Designer Piibe from Scandinavian brand TOKU

北欧TOKUのデザイナー Piibe

2023. Co-creation will make the world brighter and more enjoyable.

Here are some comments from TOKU's designer and crafter, Piibe.
Charming points of Estonia must be the nature. The fact that we have four seasons is really unique. We can swim in the summertime, go and ski during the winter, pick the flowers in spring, and watch the stars when the mysterious autumn arrives.
I think I am one of the lucky ones as my jobs and hobbies go together. Currently, I am a designer at TOKU, also I am working as a barista in a small cafeteria, as I love good coffee. I am making small leather accessories for my own brand and doing my MA degree in product design.
I love the whole process, starting from the beginning until the end result. The whole process is filled with surprises and obstacles, and you have to find a solution. Sometimes it makes it annoying, but it`s always interesting and rewarding if you finally succeed. I can think and create at the same time.
About my creative, I think I am good at choosing colors and materials so the whole creation goes together.But I think my biggest strength is communication with people. You can create, but you need people around you who are willing to make your view a reality. Sustainability has been always really important for me and for TOKU. We do, what we can, and it all starts from the beginning of the design process - starting from the patterns, and materials we are choosing, trying to reduce waste, and it`s important for us to produce long-lasting products. Also, we are using green energy in our production.We have more ideas on how to do better, and in time hopefully, we manage to do that.

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